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Meet Pelenakeke Brown
Conversations The Art Paper Conversations The Art Paper

Meet Pelenakeke Brown

PELENAKEKE BROWN is one of twenty-two artists and collectives featured in Aotearoa Contemporary at Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki. We spoke to her about her performance Raking Scissor Grip, dwelling in vā and crip time, and finding poetry in the official record.

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Meet Hannah Ireland
Conversations The Art Paper Conversations The Art Paper

Meet Hannah Ireland

HANNAH IRELAND is one of twenty-two artists and collectives featured in Aotearoa Contemporary at Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki. We spoke to her about her new works, home and family, and accidentally becoming a ‘glitter girl’.

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Meet Jack Hadley
Conversations The Art Paper Conversations The Art Paper

Meet Jack Hadley

JACK HADLEY is one of twenty-two artists and collectives featured in Aotearoa Contemporary at Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki. We spoke to him about figurative sculpture, anthropomorphism and AliExpress.

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Meet Amit Noy
Conversations The Art Paper Conversations The Art Paper

Meet Amit Noy

AMIT NOY is one of twenty-two artists and collectives featured in Aotearoa Contemporary at Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki. We spoke to him about his work Errant, a choreographed performance work which takes place across the gallery, investigating codes of behaviour and the repercussions of breaking them.

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