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The Art Paper online bulletin

Notes on: Performance Anxiety
Connie Brown on Florence Wild’s Droopy Time; RM Gallery and Project Space

Centring Palestine: a Summer Reading List
We invited Hana Pera Aoake of Kei te pai press to compile a reading list in response to the ongoing crisis in Gaza.

Elam graduate exhibition 2023
Connor Ward attends the Elam Grad show and photographs the event for your pleasure.

Connor Ward visits the AUT Toi Ataata Visual Arts grad show
Photographer Connor Ward documents the opening event for BVA graduate students, which took place on 16 November.

Backstage photos from the inaugural Rogue Aotearoa fashion show
Photographer Connor Ward had a backstage pass to the event which platformed emerging creatives from across Aotearoa.

Notes On: Utility
Connie Brown on Zoe Thompson-Moore’s Open-field; RM Gallery, 23 November - 17 December

Notes On: Fruiting Bodies
Connie Brown on Georgette Brown’s Tentacular Thinking, And Like a Web; City Gallery Wellington, 3 September – 20 November 2022.

Notes On: Rock Music
Connie Brown on Yukari 海堀 Kaihori’s Touching Time; Audio Foundation, 20 October – 16 November 2022.

Notes On: Steam
Connie Brown on Isabella Dampney’s Feast of the Ass; Te Tuhi, 25 September – 27 November 2022.

Notes On: Ruffles
Connie Brown on Prairie Hatchard-McGill’s Signature Print; Neo Gracie, 28 August – 14 October 2022.

Notes On: Worry Stones
Connie Brown on A Stone, an Echo, a Sign: Aotearoa Jewellery Triennial, curated by K. Emma Ng with works by Becky Bliss, Neke Moa, Shelley Norton, Rowan Panther, Moniek Schrijer, Raewyn Walsh; Objectspace, 10 September – 20 November 2022.

Notes On: The mirror stage
Connie Brown on Rowan Thomson and Peter Derksen’s Transmutations, mothermother, 21 August – 15 October 2022.

Notes On: Seams
Connie Brown on Turumeke Harrington’s exhibition Gently Ribbed, CoCA Toi Moroki, 3 September – 15 October 2022.
Notes On: Redemption arcs
Connie Brown on Claudia Kogachi’s exhibition New Moon, Melanie Roger Gallery, 31 August – 17 September 2022.

Notes On: Crypto doulas
Connie Brown on Simon Denny and Karamia Müller’s Creation Stories, Michael Lett, 6 August – 10 September 2022; and Gus Fisher Gallery, 6 August – 22 October 2022.

Notes On: Casting On
Connie Brown on Peata Larkin and Alexis Neal’s exhibition Whakamata, Mangere Arts Centre, 23 July – 10 September 2022.

Notes On: Ghost Picnics
Connie Brown on Georgia Arnold’s exhibition Arms that spin, Sanc Gallery, 23 July – 13 August 2022.

Notes On: Works on Paper
Connie Brown on Kristy Gorman’s exhibition Muffled Green, Anna Miles Gallery, 23 July – 18 August 2022.
News: Artist Jack Hadley collaborates with Emma Jing and Taylor Groves on new fashion collection
Beth Clemens reports on the collection, which includes tops spray painted with EMMA JING and BORING, described by Hadley as “the dumber the better…”
News: Catherine Boddy Socks Sing the CanCan!
“I was so bored by socks!” Catherine Boddy avows. Parisa Torkaman relishes in the 22-year-old designer’s new collection of sockwear—with photography by Constance McDonald.