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The Art Paper online bulletin

New Groundplans: 34 Artists, 34 Years
An exclusive curatorial statement by Victoria McAdam on the upcoming Artspace Aotearoa exhibition series and fundraiser, When The Dust Settles.

Te Hā o te Marama: Simon Kaan and Wi Taepa
Becky Hemus reflects on Simon Kaan and Wi Taepa's exhibition Te Hā o te Marama at Sanderson.

Five artworks at Webb's upcoming Works of Art auction
A closer look at a selection of our highlights, with artworks by Jacqueline Fahey, Séraphine Pick, Peter Robinson, Michael Smither, and Douglas Wright.

Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua (I walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed on my past)
Israel Randell reflects on Jamie Berry's video installation Whakapapa / Algorithms, exhibited at the Audio Foundation in Tāmaki Makaurau.

Samuel Te Kani on Ali Senescall's poignant cinematic thrift.

A recipe for resistance: Help Yourself at Enjoy Contemporary Art Space
Co-authored by Turumeke Harrington and Grace Ryder, Help Yourself—a group show on display at Enjoy Contemporary Art Space in Pōneke (Wellington)—is an invocation of protection against the daily grind.

The contingencies of passion
Robyn Maree Pickens on Amsterdam-based artist Mercedes Azpilicueta's first UK solo exhibition, Bondage of Passions, at Gasworks, London.

Yuki Kihara, サ-モアのうた (Sāmoa no uta) A Song About Sāmoa - Fanua (Land)
Yuki Kihara's evocative panoramic installation, サ-モアのうた (Sāmoa no uta) A Song About Sāmoa - Fanua (Land), on view at Milford Galleries Dunedin, 27 March–19 April 2021, Aotearoa (New Zealand).

New paintings by Jeffrey Harris
Jeffrey Harris presents his first major exhibition of new work in Tāmaki Makaurau in over 20 years.

We visit the Raumati Toi Sculpture Symposium
On until 28 March at Takaparawhau/Bastion Point, Hapimana St, Orakei, Tāmaki Makaurau.

Lucy Meyle, May Fair Art Fair
Lucy Meyle is a multidisciplinary artist from Tāmaki Makaurau. Her work often explores "relationships between humans and the more-than-human," and between human-made and naturally occurring entities.

Parasite, May Fair Art Fair
Parasite, an appointment-only space on Karangahape Road—was founded this year by Daniel John Corbett Sanders, who has done much of late to highlight the low visibility of LGBTQIA+ art at Aotearoa’s larger institutions.

Sione Tuívailala Monū, May Fair Art Fair
Sione Tuívailala Monū is an artist of Tongan heritage who has been attracting attention for some years now. Their May Fair Online booth is strikingly elegant, decorated with a large coconut palm and a family of pigs seemingly sculpted out of marble.

Tyson Campbell & George Watson, May Fair Art Fair
The artists, Tyson Campbell and George Watson, lean into the fantastical possibilities of the digital context. The floor of their booth features squares of inlaid pāua, in a sort of luxe, local reimagining of chequered tiling. A butterfly is present as well. Campbell explains that it alludes to patupaiarehe, fairy-like forest beings.