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The Art Paper online bulletin

Notes On: Utility
Connie Brown on Zoe Thompson-Moore’s Open-field; RM Gallery, 23 November - 17 December

Print archive: On Openings, Daniel Strang’s filmic event
Daniel Strang’s digital video Openings is structured around a narrow schema: near-exhaustive documentation of every scene that depicts art exhibition openings from the history of cinema (1945 to 2020), arranged chronologically by the year of each film’s release.

Dayle Palfreyman and Isabelle Russell in conversation
RM co-facilitator Nina Dyer speaks to Dayle Palfreyman and Isabelle Russell about their collaborative project Intra-action, a 4-day exhibition on view as part of Aotearoa Art Fair's TENT.

Soft and Weighted: an interview with Antje Barke
Antje Barke speaks to Becky Hemus about her current exhibition Seven Islands at RM Gallery.

Artist Antje Barke wears new season Jimmy D
For the first installment in our ARTISTS x FASHION series, Adam Bryce photographs Tāmkai Makaurau-based artist Antje Barke wearing pieces from Jimmy D's 029A - Jimmy's Quest - A Femme Fantasy Adventure collection.

Structure Signalling (Logical Structure or Relating to Something That Happened)
Eloise Callister-Baker on J. A. Kennedy's current exhibition at RM in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland.

“The writer is someone who plays with his mother’s body”
Notes on Selina Ershadi and Azita Chegini's Amator, by Dilohana Lekamge,.

In Conversation with Daniel John Corbett Sanders
We sit down with Daniel John Corbett Sanders to find out more about their exhibition, Urban Nothing, and plans for the months ahead.