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The Art Paper online bulletin
Print archive: The void and its parody: Thinking alongside Robert Jahnke’s Whenua kore, by Carl Mika
“Robert Janhke’s sculpture Whenua kore (2019) discloses significant possibilities for mātauranga Māori thought, raising the question of how Te Kore, or nothingness, impinges on our everyday activities,” writes Carl Mika in Issue 00.
In conversation with Emily Karaka
Emily Karaka’s works explore aspects of te ao Māori, and political and environmental issues. We speak to her about her career and some of the meanings within her paintings.
Oscar Perry, Martin Baker Fan Club
Elli Walsh writes about Oscar Perry's exhibition Martin Baker Fan Club at Visions in Tāmaki Makaurau, Aotearoa New Zealand, 1–31 October 2020.
Oliver Cain's Queer Nudes
English-born, Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland-based artist Oliver Cain navigates gendered absurdities through his poppy, clean paintings that provide commentary on his experience of queer culture and the male form.
Writer Chloe Lane interviews artist Ella Sutherland
Ella Sutherland discusses her recent research, and particular interest in the non-heterosexual spaces of early 20th century Paris—in the context of her exhibition FOLDS at Sumer in Tauranga.
To Draw A Future World: Owen Connors' SISSYMANCY!
Francis McWhannell discusses Owen Connors' exhibition SISSYMANCY! at play_station in Te Whanganui-a-Tara/Wellington (2019).
Artist Profile: Matilda Fraser
Dilohana Lekamge looks into the work of Matilda Fraser, whose interest in labour and history translate through her multidisciplinary practice.
Artist Profile: Aliyah Winter
Aliyah Winter tackles the structures that encourage adherence to gendered and sexual norms.
“The writer is someone who plays with his mother’s body”
Notes on Selina Ershadi and Azita Chegini's Amator, by Dilohana Lekamge,.
Friction in the Living Room: Paintings by Claudia Kogachi
Formally compelling and overflowing with energy, Claudia Kogachi's women are strong, athletic, yet pleasingly unidealised, writes Francis McWhannell.
Hulita Koloi's concrete-dipped garments
Francis McWhannell discusses Hulita Koloi's presentation Malaloi, shown at the 2020 Eden Arts Art Schools Award, Aotearoa/NZ.
In Conversation with Daniel John Corbett Sanders
We sit down with Daniel John Corbett Sanders to find out more about their exhibition, Urban Nothing, and plans for the months ahead.
Wet Green presents Ronan Lee
Wet Green is an artist-run gallery helmed by Becky Hemus and Eleanor Woodhouse in Auckland. We sat down with the pair to find out more about Wet Green and their current show Mammals by Ronan Lee.
Hiria Anderson, Te Ao Hurihuri – At the end of the Beginning
Tim Melville, 2 – 23 DEC 2020
Gretchen Albrecht, After Goya
Michael Lett, 8 NOV - 12 DEC 2020
Marita Hewitt, Material Efficiencies
Page Galleries, 12 NOV – 5 DEC 2020
Impossible Logic, by Kāryn Taylor
Jhana Millers, 5 - 28 NOV 2020
Star Gossage, Christina Pataialii, Kathy Ramsay and Salome Tanuvasa; This is Tomorrow
Tim Melville, 4 – 28 NOV 2020
Darryn George, A River Flowing Out of Eden
Gow Langsford Gallery, 30 SEPT – 24 OCT 2020
Matt Arbuckle, recent paintings
3 – 30 OCT 2020