ART à la mode ♡
The Art Paper online bulletin

Notes On: Seams
Connie Brown on Turumeke Harrington’s exhibition Gently Ribbed, CoCA Toi Moroki, 3 September – 15 October 2022.

Turumeke Harrington, (Tīkaro) Slowly Dawning
Page Galleries, 21 APRIL – 14 MAY 2022

Tricksters & Mischief Makers
Jessicoco Hansell writes on being tricky and traversing different realms, in the context of Mischief Makers, an exhibition curated by Ioana Gordon-Smith at Pātaka Art + Museum.

A recipe for resistance: Help Yourself at Enjoy Contemporary Art Space
Co-authored by Turumeke Harrington and Grace Ryder, Help Yourself—a group show on display at Enjoy Contemporary Art Space in Pōneke (Wellington)—is an invocation of protection against the daily grind.